A Sister’s Keeper

A Sister’s Keeper

I have a wonderful sister who I adore completely.  She has gone through and is still on the downward path of a very difficult trial in this journey we call life.   She is facing it with dignity, patience, faith, love, prayer and endurance.   I looked up to her so much as a child and still do as a grown woman.  I’m so proud to watch her as she continues this hard journey with perseverance and faith.  She has and will always be my hero.

She always said she was my 2nd mother.  She was 6 1/2 years old when my twin sister and I were born.  I know she was of great help to my mom when we were little.  I remember her kicking me under the table at dinners to tell me when I needed to be quiet.  She tried to save me from punishments from my parents so many times.  And even though I was a little imagerebellious, I did listen to her very closely.  I truly respected her opinion.  I remember calling her on the phone when I was a teenager needing advice and running to her when I had a fight with a boyfriend.  She stayed up with me with my first baby helping me get her to sleep through the night.  She walked me through my divorce and laughed with me through the good times.  She has been “A Sister’s Keeper” from day one.

Here is a poem I wrote to her for her 55th birthday which is today. Happy Birthday Cheryl!

When I was little, I was asked, who I looked up to and admired.

When I was a teenager, I was asked, who I could talk to about anything.

When I was in college, I was asked, who you try to be like.

When I was newly married, I was asked, who you spend time with.sisters1_grande

When I was a new mom, I was asked, who gives you parenting advice.

When I had marital problems, I was asked, who helped walk you through it all?

When I was in the bottom pit, I was asked, who helped you reach up to God.

When I messed up, I was asked, who forgave and stood by you.

When I was in a time of laughter, I was asked, who laughed along with you.

Through thick and thin for the last 48 years I would have to answer:

My sister, Cheryl!

About Kathy

I am divorced and now married to my best friend and live in West Tennessee. I have growing family of 3 beautiful daughters, 2 beautiful bonus daughters, 3 son in laws, 3 of the cutest grandsons and 3 beautiful granddaughters. I am originally a city girl from Texas but now slowly turning into a country Tennessee girl. I love to cook with my husband, read, play on the computer and enjoy bead weaving.

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